Day 26 started with a routine trip to the doctors. About a week before I started my 'journey', I thought it best to get checked out, and this was my 4th visit. I got a bit of a bollocking the first time I went as since moving to Spain I hadn't taken any of the medication I was on in England. (Beta blockers, blood pressure tablets, aspirin etc....) I know it was irresponsible of me, but its not as easy as it sounds moving to Spain and not initially speaking the language enough to explain your situation. Its not an excuse, but first you need to register with a doctor. Simple I hear you all shout. Don't be silly! You have to be 'on the padron' first, which again in itself seems pretty straight forward. NOT. To be on the padron you have to have your 'residencia'. To get your residencia you have to go a special building in a city called Denia and queue up for 2 hours just to get to the front of the queue to be told that you can only apply for an appointment for your residencia on a Friday. Friday, our busiest day of the week. We eventually went back 3 times in total over about 3 months and got our residencia. I'm cutting that very short through fear of boring you all to tears, but it really was a saga. We then moved to Calpe from our original address in a place called Monte Pego and went to register ourselves on the padron so a) we could put Harrison in the local school and b) we could register with a doctor. Simples........NOT. To register at the padron we had to go to a town called Altea and give our address in Calpe. This we did, to be told by the chap on the desk that as we had initially got our residencia in Denia, we had to go back there and change our address with them.!!!! Oh, forgot to mention we had queued there for 2 hours just to be told that. Imagine the frustration. No, seriously, imagine the frustration. Read all this back and just try to understand how difficult, time consuming and frustrating this all was. Guess what........ we drove to the special building in Denia to be told that we could only change our address on a Friday! Now I understand why the have an armed policeman at the door! Suffice to say that we eventually got it all sorted and finally registered with a doctor. You can sympathise with me then when I say that as I was getting the bollocking from my new doctor, I wanted to ram her lecture up her rather oversized bottom!
On to today. My doctor now thinks I am great! NO more lectures, just praise! Teachers pet, Golden bollocks, the dogs gonads, thats me now! In the last 15 days on her scales I have lost 4.5 kilos aka 9.9 pounds, lost 5cm round my waist and my blood pressure has dropped from 144/94 to 135/80. And all this without a single tablet. I am tablet free!
Back to food. Breakfast was two dry fried eggs on brown toast and some OJ. (480 calories)
Lunch was 3 crispbreads with tasteless low fat cheese, (200 calories)
And dinner, see below, was some pasta with sundried tomatoes, basil, Parmesan and a sprinkling of sunflower seeds for a bit of texture. Really enjoyed it and approx 650 calories. Therefore daily total today was approximately 1400
Its an awful picture, sorry!
So the day ends and I'm looking forward to this weeks weigh in on Saturday morning, especially now as I have started swimming properly today. I managed about 30 mins today of fairly constant swimming, I was only occasionally interrupted by Harrison asking me to catch his ball!
Tomorrow's another day and I will speak to you all then. Sleep well peeps.............
Slimbo xx
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