On to breakfast..... This morning I feasted upon two boiled eggs and soldiers (with no butter!) The usual wholemeal, seeded bread so including the coffee and the OJ a total of 440 calories. I recently watched a Hugh Fernley Whittingstall programme about breakfast, so I will be trying out a few of his ideas over the next few days. Until then, I will stick with my 'go to' favourites.
As I wasn't particulary hungry at 'lunchtime', I didnt have any! I did however snack on 3 crispbreads topped with a slice of tomato and very thin slice of Spanish cured cheese on each one a little later on. A total of approx 170 Calories.
Although not a huge Rick Stein fan, (I like his food, I just find him a little pretentious), I watched his journey through Spain last night and one of the dishes he cooked with lentils was the inspiration behind tonights dinner recipe.

Above is the base of the dish, a sofrito of onion, carrot, serrano ham, chicken stock, lentils, tomato and parsley. Below is the chicken, stuffed with diced mushroom and onion.....

And then, the completed dish

It looked nice, tasted nice, filled me with lots of goodness and the whole meal was 530 calories. There is still a lot of the base left so not even 530 cals consumed. Methinks I will use up the rest of the base tomorrow and make some minestrone soup!
So a total calorie intake today of approximately 1200 calories and can you believe I still have people telling me that I'm doing it wrong and I should be doing it this way etc.... All it gives me is more incentive and passion to prove all the doubters wrong! Keep doubting me peeps, watch me prove you all wrong!
Nite foodies and remember I will be updating you with news of tomorrows blood pressure results!
good on ya Jim, great attitude to have, sod 'em all, you will do it I know you will xx
ReplyDeleteCheers Gem!
ReplyDeleteThat looks and sounds really delicious, might have to do that myself. You are doing great.
ReplyDeleteThanks Sanj