Back to the food.....
Breakfast was muesli. Sorry, I know, boring. 250 calories
Lunch was a mug of asparagus soup, (anyone thinking they're reading yesterdays blog, it is very similar so far!). Nearly forgot, I have to confess to picking at 2 potato wedges!
On to dinner. I made my take on 'chicken cacciatore', basically a hunters stew from Italy. I marinated some skinless chicken thighs with red wine, bay leaf, garlic, rosemary, anchovies, salt and pepper for about an hour. (Overnight would habe been better).

Drained the chicken and browned it in a tbsp of olive oil and removed from pan. Then chucked in a diced onion, 2 cloves of crushed garlic and sweated until translucent. In went some of the marinade and when the alcohol had burned away, I added a tin of tomatoes. The chicken went back in and it was cooked for about 45 mins, simmering gently with the lid on. Here it is..........

Made some pasta and cooked up some brocolli et vioila!
Off to bed now as I have an early start for tomorrow. I will let you know the details of my visit to the docs
Nite nite x
Looks yummy. Hope you get on ok at the docs x