I'm afraid breakfast was therefore a little boring again, and late! About 11.30! Wholemeal toast with a dry fried egg! I must do something different tomorrow. I must remember my muesli. Although it is only 200 calories, I need some variation! Personally, I could probably happily eat it every day, but part of the idea of this journey was to test my creativity etc, which I'm not really doing yet. Having said that, the main goal is the weight loss and that seems to be going pretty well. As breakfast was so late, lunch didnt really happen again, but I did have my evening meal extremely early for me at about 5pm.
As Chelsea were playing, I didnt want to be cooking and wanted to have eaten it by kick off, so I simply boiled some pasta and mixed through last nights unused veg! Tasted pretty good to be honest. I had 150g of pasta (approx 550 calories) and about 50 calories of veg. Oh, and the tiniest grating of Parmesan just to give it something, (50 cals) Simples!

After footy (about 10pm) I was feeling peckish so I had a spoonful of Lauras beef casserole, which I have to say was bloody lovely and I could have eaten a bucket of it, and a couple of Swedish crispy bready thingys with low fat cheese on. Another 150 calories. And late at night, oooooooooh, naughty! So todays total calorie intake was 1000!
I'm off to write a sign telling me to remember my meusli and put it on my dashboard and to shave my head. Speak to you all tomorrow when I hope to tell you all about my wonderful bowl of muesli!
Take care all and speak to you again tomorrow
Delicious once again. I can't believe you are on Day 18, it's going really quickly, do you think so?