I have just tried to upload a couple of pics directly here, and it worked. Yeeeeha! So, in all their glory, here is a picture of the fig, mozzarella and Serrano salad that was one of the starters on Sunday and also tonights dinner, which was Rigatoni pasta with sunblushed tomatoes, green olives, sunflower seeds, Parmesan and basil.
I managed another workout this afternoon and I have to say, they are getting a little easier. The problem today was that I didnt have too much back pain today, until I started the workout. It wasnt particularly painful, but it was definitely worse when I was exercising. However, it hasnt got any worse as the evening has worn on, so I'm not gonna let it stop me.
I have just watched a film called 'The Dictator', courtesy of Karl, the Rumanian DVD seller. Absolute rubbish! If there were any of you thinking of watching it, dont bother! Sacha Baron Cohen usually makes me laugh, but apart from a couple of silly bits that made me chuckle, the film was crap! Hark at me, the film critic!
Ok, I'm off to bed now to read a little more of Gordon Ramsay's book. The first chapter has me gripped already...
Sleep well peeps and speak to you tomorrow
Ciao for now
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