Got my disheartened head on again! I just want them to be a little more adventurous.............. Can't always get what you want though, eh?
I have started thinking abouth the menu for Thursday night and I'm already fighting back the demons telling me that I shouldnt be bothering! My passion always takes over though, so I'm sure I will come up with something interesting.......
I'll let you know my final thoughts a little nearer the time.....
Managed my fourth work out today and its finally seeming to be getting a little easier. Its still ridiculously difficult for some one as unfit as me, but I'm getting there. I think I'm actually starting to feel some muscles....... I know they're in there somewhere!
Ok, its 1.45 am and time to hit the sack. Good night one and all, and I will be back tomorrow.
Sleep well
Jimbo xx
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