Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 149 - A day off and very little back pain...coincidence?

Today was a day off for me, and I have to say, it was really needed. Although the last one was 'just' 2 weeks ago, it seems like forever. Its been soooo hot at work, and the back has been sooooo painful, that I was praying for a rest. What a wimp!

We had been promising to take Harrison out, (so he could spend his birthday money), for ages, and this is the first chance we have had. So it was a day at La Marina shopping centre (nr Benidorm).

I didn't buy anything, but it was nice to be able to look at clothes in the 'normal people' section! Although I am still a XXL on top, I can now shop freely, without having to go to the 'fat bloke' section. I have spent years being frustrated at not being to take advantage of all the offers available to 'normal sized people' and wondering why fat people are penalised by having to pay more. I appreciate that more material is needed, but still...! Anyway, no longer!

I did manage to sit in one of those massage chairs that you chuck a quid in and get 5 mins worth of torture, but I have to say, it felt great. The back felt much better today, and it's not coincidence that I wasnt at work. Perhaps I'll have to retire! If only!......

Harrison seemed chuffed with his purchases, and even managed to keep about 40€ back for his next trip. Not bad for 6, eh!

Right, after being recommended this book by long time friend and thoroughly good chap, Kerrigan, I am about to start reading 'Humble Pie' by Gordonn Ramsay, so I'm off to bed!

Back to work in the morning, so will let you all know how my day went on my arrival home.

Sleep well all and I will be back tomorrow
Buenas noches