I am again, hot, bothered and knackered and also wondering if the 3 crispbreads with low fat Philly that I have just had for dinner will make a difference to the scales in the morning! Yep, its weigh day again tomorrow. How do I feel?....... Confident in a sort of unconfident way! I know that apart from a pizza on Monday night, I have been a very good boy. However, I have not swum as much as I'd have liked to this week as the pool has only really been swimmable in for the last couple of days. Is swimmable a word? Perhaps 'able to swim in' would be better English! I feel less bulky than last week and the clothes that I've only just started wearing again are starting to feel more loose. When I look in the mirror, I see a smaller person, so whatever the result, I know I'm still heading in the right direction. I will be surprised if I have not lost weight, but I have also learnt that anything can happen on weigh day..... As always, I'll keep you all updated in the morning on my Facebook page!/groups/185455448234743/ , or later tomorrow night on this blog.
On to work. It was another mysteriously quiet day in the cafe today, but a busy night (38 in for fish & chips). Still can't fathom out the reasons why, but whats the point.......... If they come in they come in, if they dont, they dont. Simplesk!
I know I've been going on about the heat over the last couple of days, and I know you are thinking that I'm probably having a bit of a whinge, so I have posted a couple of pictures for you to decide for yourselves.
The kitchen was a little warm today.......
So I went outside to 'cool down'........ in the shade!
Now do you see where I'm coming from?
I hope this has given you all a little insight into just how hot it really is.
I'm off now. Gotta get some sleep and I'll speak to you all tomorrow
Nite nite xx
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