I know only 14 ate, but I cant believe that NOT ONE of them ordered the Caesar salad for their starter. I find it mind boggling sometimes....... The perfect starter for a hot sunny day before a roast dinner................ What do they all have.....? Effing hot mushroom soup! Its not as if Caesar salad is a little out of the ordinary. Its a bog standard bloody starter! I know of a couple of restaurants in Calpe that serve the same things for the same courses for every Sunday lunch, but I'm sorry, thats not me. How can you go to the same place EVERY week and eat THE SAME thing with NO VARIATION AT ALL? Why would anyone want to do that? Why would you order prawn cocktail, (well actually what they serve is more of a 'formed fish' concoction baring no resemblance to a prawn cocktail), EVERY Sunday. I have to be honest, although its a bit of an 70's/80's dish, a good prawn cocktail is a pleasure to eat, but I wouldn't want a fake one every Sunday! I have such a bee in my bonnet about this, but I know these people will never change their ways, so why do I get so emotional about it? Why do I constantly try and make my menus a little different and interesting? Why do I only use fresh ingredients when everyone else is using frozen? Because I give a damn! I cant just serve up the same old muck every week. I cant just put the same starters and mains and puds ont he same menu board every week. Can't do it, wont do it. I have already compromised so much and refuse to go any further down the 'turn into just one of the other restaurants' route. I'vehad my rant, thanks for listening!
I managed to remember to take pictures of todays puddings this week! I normally forget, but as today was so quiet, it was easy to remember! We served a sticky toffee pudding with a hint of ginger and a creme Catalan. Here are the pictures for your perousal!

Lucky for me that I do not have a sweet tooth, or this 'journey' would be Hell!
I'm off to bed as it's 1.30am and although we have a day off tomorrow, we are moving into the new house, so its going to be the day from hell! Wish me luck.
Speak to you all tomorrow
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