Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 100 !!!!

I have reached day 100 of my journey and I have to say it has been a complete pleasure. Well, the eating side of it anyway! It has been pretty 'easy' so far, but I know the hard work is still to come, so I have used this landmark as a reminder to myself of the goals I have set. I think I need to move on to 'phase 2' now. I have no idea what phase 2 is yet, but it sounds positive!

A strange day at work today. Nothing for the first couple of hours and then madness for 90 mins! It was nice to get home and launch myself into the pool.....

I made aVERY nice dinner tonight..... We had some cod left over from Friday night and I was determined to eat some. Its not often we get the chance as its normally all gone, so I was quite excited! I decided to give it a herb and breadcrumb crust with some sundried tomatoes and it was bloody lovely! Unfortunately, silly boy here forgot to take a picture! Will definitely be cooking it again, so will make sure I remember next time.

After dinner we popped over to the new house to have another look around and get measurements etc. It was even nicer than I had rememebered it. Not looking forward to the upheaval, but really looking forward to living there. Apart from having a really spacious garden with loads of little terraces and nooks and crannies, there are fig trees, orange trees, plum trees and loads of space to plant my own veggies and herbs, so very desperate to get in and start planting! There is also an outdoor multigym, (which needs a little TLC), so I am going to have to try and use that a bit too. Can't wait to get in there......... We're going to try and move our stuff bit by bit over the next few days....

Just a reminder to you all that I would really welcome any comments you may have regarding my blog. Every day I scroll down to see if anyone has said anything and each day my heart sinks when I see '0 comments'. Take pity on me !!

Off for a swim now, (my second of the day), and then Eastenders and Big Brother, (yes, I know...) before bed.

Nite all, speak to you all again tomorrow


  1. Just for you Mate, I thought 'd post something on here, 'coz I don't like to think that you're going to be disappointed ..... again!!!

    Do you have a pool at the new house Jim? Got to say that whether it has a pool or not, it sounds idyllic?

    I'm looking forward to hearing what 'Phase 2' actually involves? I'm intrigued!

    1. Hello 8a627bd6-a19b-11e1-942e-000bcdcb5194 !
      Still dont know your name, but thanks for the interest and support ;0)
      Yes, there is a pool at the new house, even if a tad smaller than the current one! I'm going to be taking some pictures soon so I will post them soon

  2. I am back again. Day 100 wow!! New pad sounds brill can't wait to visit. Keep up the good work and all the good cooking xx

  3. Well done, Jim. Day 100- you´re doing fabulously and really easy to see how those 100 days have treated you! You´re looking great! Well done!
