11 am arrived and off I popped upstairs to prep for tonight. At about 1pm I got a shout from downstairs asking for a little help. I suddenly found out where all the Brits were........, in our cafe! It was madness for 2 hours! Sheer madness! I think they have finally arrived. Strange that it should be in the middle of the week, but a timely bonus for the till!
So, I need not wonder where they all are anymore! We found them, or should I say, they found us!
Moving on to evening service....... If you read yesterdays blog, you will see that I had a bit of a whinge at those who never try anything different and how frustrating and demoralising it is when you make an effort to give choice and quality to your customers, but its not appreciated. Well today my efforts were rewarded. (I've just had a little titter to myself. I am starting to type without looking at the keys after all these years, but I still make the odd mistake. My last sentence, ' well, today my efforts were rewarded', initially read......'well today my efforts were retarded!' It was only a couple of keys away, but such a difference in meaning!) Getting back to the topic of being rewarded........(lucky I didnt do it again there!), I was tremendously heartened by the fact that 3 people out of the 5 that chose the Menu of the Day decided to have the Asian spiced pork. Better still, they all loved it! I know that cos I asked! On a serious note, I never really leave the kitchen to speak to customers, unless I know them, as I'm a little shy in that department. It was recently suggested to me by a regular customer and friend that I should head out into the restaurant occasionally and 'mingle', as the customers love it when the chef comes out to talk to them. Really? I can understand it if Gordon Ramsay was popping out for a chat, but me?!!! Anyway, tonight I plucked up the courage and set off into the dining room. I headed straight for a table where I knew the people! After chatting for a few minutes with Jillian & Duncan, (hello Jillian, I know you're reading this!), I moved on to the next table, (where I thought the people looked nice!) and asked them if they were enjoying their meals. It did occur to me just as I was walking over that I'd look a bit of a turnip if they didnt think it was very good! What would I say? Would I just stand there apologising? What would I do? I needn't have worried as they all said that they really enjoyed their food, and the chap that had the Asian pork said it was perfect. Phew! I served it with some Pak Choi and sesame noodles. Here is a picture of it. Its not the best photo I've ever taken, and I'm not happy with the presentation, but you'll get the idea.

That gave me the confidence to mingle a little more and I was really surprised that everyone was so complimentary. Nothing to do with the fact I had a huge knife in my hand! Only kidding! Maybe its the fact that they are not brazen enough to slag off my food infront of me! Maybe I'm just a genius in the kitchen! I'll let you all make your own minds up!
A decent day, and a busy night, so the signs are more promising. Already got about 18 booked tomorrow night for fish & chips............
Enough of my enthusing, its time for bed (1.30am), as I'm sure Harrison will be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow as its his 6th birthday! Thank goodness for Spongebob on line!
Sleep well and take care all and I will speak to you all again tomorrow
Nite nite
Slimbo x
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