Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 112 - The 15th weigh in........, or was it?

Well thank God thats over! What a day.........

It started badly and didnt get much better! I arrived at 'The Beauty Box' for my weekly weigh in and eagerly took off my shoes before mounting the scales. The lovely Heather placed the scales on the floor and turned them on. Or at least attempted to turn them on. The battery had lost its juice and there was no spare. I didnt have time to pop to the shop and get another, so I will just have to wait until next week! Sorry to all those of you who were waiting for an update.....

 A hot and sweaty one downstairs in the cafe, then prep upstairs for a couple of hours, home for an hour with Harrison and then back to do it all again this evening!

It was looking as if we were going to get an early night, as all our customers had started early and were nearly finished at about 8.45pm, and then the phone rang! A table of 6 for 9.30! Can't complain as its money, but it would have been nice to get away relatively early for a change. As it happened, we made it home for about 11.45........

Headed for the pool again, (my second swim of the day), for a much needed cool down and some more lengths. I'm on a mission to lose 10 more lbs before the end of August............ We shall see.

I have decided to be a complete rebel and NOT do soup as a starter tomorrow! I know, I know, how will the die hard traditionalists cope without their soup? Who cares......they're not getting any!Lmao!
For the last couple of weeks, there has been a considerable drop in the amount of people ordering soup. Its not surprising as temperatures are around the mid thirties. I have tried doing gazpacho, but I think its a bit 'out there' for some of them, so I have decided instead to just do 2 non soup starters. I am making a char grilled vegetable bruschetta as one of the starters, and a tomato, mozzarella and basil salad as the other. I'll let you know how they fair tomorrow

I have just dried off while typing this and as its 1.30am and I have an early start tomorrow, so I will head for bed and speak to you all tomorrow.

Take care, sleep well and remember........ never eat yellow snow!

Nite nite

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