I will start with Monday.............. It started with a trip to the town hall to discuss the fact that a pedestrian crossing has been 'dumped' outside our door. Not such a big deal I hear you say........ It is when it means that the pole that suppports our awning has to be moved, (even though it cant be), and 50 percent of our outside seating has to go................... All this just after they put our pavement tax up to 2,500€ !!!!! In case you missed the photo of the situation that I posted the other day, here it is...

A pretty stressful 2 hours spent on our 1 day off in 14. All this while we are trying to organise Harrisons party that starts at 5pm!
Managed to get the last few bits and pieces done for the party and fly home to get everything sorted before the kids arrived! We had decided to have a pool party as it was cheaper than hiring entertainment, and a BBQ cos it was the easiest food option! Laura and family friend Sharon managed to inflate all the rubber rings and put up all the decorations etc, (I would have called them inflatables, but I'd just used the word 'inflate'!) and I did the easy bit,........food prep!
At 5pm we opened the gates and in they flooded! 4 hours of about 20 or so 5-6 year olds in the garden! It was exhausting just watching the little buggers! We let them run around, have a swim and tire themselves out and then we fed 'em! A few pictures below to help you get a feel of the events!....

For those of you who dont know, the last picture is of me, Laura & Harrison! (I'm the one on the right!)
By the time the kids had gone, Harrison was in bed and we had tidied up, it was nearly 11pm. Did I want to sit down a write my blog? NO!
I desperately wanted to have a swim as it had been a pretty muggy day, but then realised that there was probably about 3 gallons of kids wee in the pool, so decided to late the filtration system do its job overnight before diving in! What a day!!!!!
On to Tuesday..................
Spent the whole day prepping for a 50th birthday party in ridiculous heat! I went upstairs to the restaurant kitchen at about 10 am and at 4.15pm I came out! Even with the fan on it was stuipidly hot! Spent alot of the afternoon trying to keep this little baby cool....

Couldnt put it in the fridge, so had it on top of one of one of the freezers with a fan blowing on it! Things we do eh! Thanks for your help with the cake Laura and Jayne...
Managed to get all the prep done, so popped home for an hour to have a quick dip in the pool, (by this stage I didnt care if it was still full of kids piss!) and have a few minutes with Harrison before going back to work.
Jillian and her 40 guests arrived for her surprise party, (even though she sussed that day where it was, so not really a surprise!), and were 'treated' to a Steak, Ribs & Chicken fest. They all seemed to enjoy it and I hope if you're reading this Jillian that everything was ok and you had a really good time ..... Got home at midnight, had a quick dip in the piss and settled down to watch England v Ukraine that I had recorded earlier. What dross............... it finished at about 2 am. Was I in the mood to blog? NO!
So 5 hours sleep and its Wednesday (today)!
Woke up, wished I hadnt stayed up to watch the crappy football last night and took Harrison to school. Then popped to work to open up before heading back to school to see Harrison 'graduate'. It sounds very posh, but all it was was just him receiving a certificate type thingy to say that he had finished infant school! We were also subjected to a little school 'play'. Dont get me wrong, I love my son to bits and last years affair was really good, but this year........... shite! Not only was it shite, but the room it was held in had no air con and we were squashed up like sardines on childrens school chairs! I pity the lady to my left. I must have shifted over 100 times and I'm sure a bead of my sweat landed on her toe!!!!!
After the 'show', it was back to work for another profitable day. Its been a really good week financially for us so far. I wonder if summer is finaly here...........
I'm going to go now as I still have loads of stuff to do tonight and its 11.30pm. Sorry to desert you all for a couple of days, but I've caught up now and we're bck on track. I made some home made burgers with some left over rump steak on Sunday and froze them, so going to have one for dinner tomorrow night as we also have burger buns left over from Harrisons party! I dont normally agree with freezing anything, but I find its easier to cook burgers from frozen as they dont break up as much... I'll let you have the full details tomorrow
Sleep well and I will speak to you all tomorrow
Well what a busy time you have had Jim. You need a lie down for a week!!! Pleased to see the party went well, sad to have missed playing with all those kids.
ReplyDeleteThat cake is fantastic, well done girls xx
Cheers Sanj!