Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 76 - Phew, what a night........

Well its 1.45am as I start to type this and I have to be up at 8am for work, so I'm guessing it wont be the longest blog you've ever read!

We had 40 (yes 40) booked in tonight for Fish & Chips and we ended up with 44. It was a little deflating to have to turn about 12 more people away, but unfortunately we just couldnt fit them in. Lots of lovely comments about the food again, one from a former fishmonger who said its the best Fish & Chps he's ever eaten. Gotta be pleased with that.

Got home at around 11pm, had a quick swim and settled down to watch the England game that I had recorded earlier. Although a decent win, I'm still not convinced! I could go on for hours about the way England play, but I'm guessing the majority of my readers are female and they probably don't wanna hear it!

So on to tomorrow and the 11th weigh in. Cant believe it will have been 77 days. It really has gone quickly. As always, I am not confident about the outcome as I feel heavier than I did last week, so I reckon I've put on a couple of pounds. If I havent, I'll be pleasantly surprised. If I have, I will need to step it up a gear. I'll let you know how I get on.

Its 2am now, so I'm gonna hit the sack. Sleep well all and I will update you tomorrow with news of the weigh in


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