As you can probably guess from the title of todays ramblings, It was STUPIDLY hot at work again today. Why am I surprised? Its June and I live in Spain! Anyway, I took a picture of the thermometer in the downstairs cafe kitchen just to give you an idea of what I mean......

Another profitable day though, both downstairs in the cafe and tonight in the upstairs restaurant. I managed to cook my terrine tonight and I have stuck it in the fridge with a weight on top. The weight is a plate with tins of mushy peas on top! It should set perfectly for Sunday. I think I will serve it with a rocket salad, some seeded brown bread, some gherkins and maybe some baby pickled onions. Think it might benefit from a little balsamic syrup as well, so will try and incorporate that somewhere in the dish. Nothing else to say really, except wish me luck for tomorrows weigh in and I will speak to you all again tomorrow. As always, if you cant wait until tomorrow night for the results, have a look at my Facebook page at about 10am!
Take care, night night and speak soon
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