Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 52 - Things back to normal at work!

Well, as quick as they all turned up out of the blue, they left! Maybe it was just more like a 'normal' day or maybe they'll all be back tomorrow! Time will tell

So, as you can gather from above, work was pretty slow, apart from the usual lunchtime rush. I didnt eat much either except for a boiled egg with a little piece of grannary baguette for 'brunch'.

At home later in the day, I used up some week old asparagus and made a soup. From start to finish it took less than 10 minutes and that included chopping the onion. Oh yes, the onion....... I made my first 'cookery' video today......'How to dice an onion'!! I know its a bit basic, but it earned Delia millions and I had to start somewhere! I'm not too sure how to post the video on here, but if you want to watch it, just go to my Food page on Facebook and have a look! https://www.facebook.com/groups/185455448234743/  You'll have to excuse my son whinging in the background at not wanting to do his homework

Moving on to my book! Its in its VERY early developmental stage, but I've got 5 definate recipes so far. I'm still not sure if the book is going to be primarily recipe orientated with a little bit of my journey thrown in, or whether I will go down a slightly different route, but I'll get there one day! Its very difficult to work out why someone would buy a recipe book written by me, over one written by Gordon ramsey, Jamie Oliver or similar. I need a different angle. Something that hasnt been done before. Something that makes you want to buy my book, whether it be in ebook form or traditional.  I have never been a writer, nor professed to be any good at it and if there are any writers out there reading this, I'm sure you could tear my grammar to pieces, but I firmly believe the important thing that this book needs to be is interesting. Unlike a best selling thriller, I don't feel that imperfect grammar will be important in determining whether or not people will buy my book. In fact, to the contrary, I feel that its possible that people may possibly even 'warm' to the fact that I am not the greatest wordsmith and that I am just writing what comes naturally. I can but hope!!

Feel free to leave me your thoughts, I really will digest all your suggestions. It would also be nice to get a few more 'comments' at the end of this blog. I know from the stats how many people read the blog, but I have no idea what your thoughts are, or what you think of it...................................I'm good with criticism by the way so dont be shy!

I'm off to piece together a little more of my book, so I will bid you farewell and speak to you all again tomorrow

Nite !


  1. Nothing to criticise - all great and I love reading your blog Jim :) Reads really well :)

  2. Thanks Madzia, its good to know
