My day began with a trip to the 'Beauty Box' for my official weigh in. I had a feeling all week that I hadnt lost weight, I can kind of tell. I was right, the scales hadn't moved and I remain 18 stone 12 pounds! I am not disheartened though, I will simply step up the regime and try and swim a little more, drink more water etc. I have still lost 1 stone 8 pounds in 6 weeks , so that is still an achievement. I have also lost more size around my waist (a total of 14 cm) so that encourages me too. Roll on next weigh in! I still find it strange that certain people dont understand that you cant lose weight every week, no matter how well your doing. They think your 'cheating' because you stayed the same weight. My mum said to me ' but you did have 2 slices of pizza the other day'. Yeah, I did, but I also ate less than 1500 calories that day and swam for an hour!!!!!
Had a half day off work yesterday, (if you can call going to the cash and carry and doing the shopping for work a half day off), and then arrived at work in confident mood about tonight's 'All you can eat' menu.
After producing a rather sexy looking salad bar filled with home made coleslaw, potato salad, pasta salad and the usual lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber etc, we opened the doors and waited for the public to arrive in their droves. And waited, and waited, and waited.
Finally at about 8.30pm our first (and only) customers arrived! A very nice couple who had just arrived in Calpe for a couple of months and had been recommended by one of our 'regulars'. They chose to have the 'All you can eat menu' and I was filled with joy! They chose to share some ribs and steak (see below) and left very pleased, promising to visit us again soon. I was also very chuffed as the steak was ordered medium rare, which in my opinion, is how it should be served. I don't understand why people pay good money for a steak and have it well done. Why? Just order a burger instead...................... I think that too many people are put off having it cooked a little less because they think its going to be 'bloody'. NONSENSE! If a steak is rested properly, there will be NO BLOOD! It tastes better and is more moist when cooked medium rare, so why cremate all the flavour and moisture out of it! I am still amazed by the amount of people I discuss this with who still wont try it! They dont know what they're missing.......

After prepping the lamb for Sunday's roast.....

....we cleared up and headed home. I must sadly confess to watching 'Britains got Talent' and 'The Voice' until about 2 am, so there is the reason for my lack of blog last night!
Moving swiftly on to today..............
An early start in the restaurant as we had to get ready for Sunday lunch so no time for a swim this morning, but I am aiming to do it every morning before work from now on.
So, 28 people (could have been more, but we cant complain) sat down and feasted upon our wares. They were treated to some great food, including minestrone soup, brie and caramelised onion tart with balsamic reduction, Topside of beef, Honey glazed ham, Loin of pork and slow roasted lamb. For pudding there was Apple Pie, Lemon Cheesecake & Creme Catalan. I have put a little piccy of the ham & lamb for you to see......., oh and the crackling!

I have a story to tell about the apple pie.......... When asked if they would like fresh cream or ice cream with their apple pie, a customer said 'as I have an intolerance to dairy products, I'd like some cheddar cheese with it'. !!!!! Just when you think you'd heard it all in the restaurant game, another pearl pops up! On a positive note, they got their cheese and booked a table for 10 for next Sunday!
A day off tomorrow, so need to do some food shopping to stock up for 'the journey' and have a looooong swim. I'm off to watch Chelsea on Match of the Day for the last time this season, so I bid you all a good nights sleep and we shall speak again tomorrow!
Bon soir!
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