So there I am at 8am this morning, freezing my knackers off on the side of the pool wondering what the heck I am doing! The outside temperature was about 18 degrees and the pool was a tropical 20! I tentatively slid in and then with an almighty gasp, I lowered my vast frame into the water. Once in I decided the best option was just to swim like a lunatic in the hope of warmimg up a little. Boy oh boy did I burn some calories in 20 mins! I will be trying to up it to about 30 mins tomorrow morning (providing that is it doesnt take me 10 mins to pluck up the courage to actually get in!) That reminds me,.....must set my alarm!
I must say that it certainly woke me up and I felt refreshed as I drove to work. I think 'refreshed' is just another word for 'frozen'.
On to breakfast, which in fact was lunch as it was eaten at about 12.30. A simple affair of dry fried egg, tomato, mushrooms and a little seeded, wholemeal baguette..........

It seemed to do the trick as I wasnt really hungry again until after the rest of the household had PIZZA for their dinner!
I had some leftovers from last nights meal and some chicken sausages, but I didnt just want to cook sausages. So I came up with the idea of taking the sausage meat out of its skin and adding some curry powder, cumin and cayenne pepper, a little salt and pepper and lemon juice. I then fried it until crispy (or burned if you look closely at the photos!) and added it to a tortilla wrap topped with home made coriander hummus, some tomato, cucumber and onion and a tiny bit of feta. I have to say that it has been the tastiest meal I have eaten yet on the juorney! Pretty darn scrumptious if I do say so myself. here are some photos of before and after!

Calorie wise, each wrap was 120 and I had 3, so 360 there. 200 calories of chicken and the rest was less than 100, so all in all approximately 650. Added to breakfast, approx 400, today's total calorie intake was approximately 1050. Easy peasy! Bring on tomorrow
Nite peeps. I hope you all sleep well. Until tomorrow........
So brave going in the pool that early, but best time to exercise. Just wish I had that pool and that view and that weather!!! We have got massive puddles, torrential rain and clouds, SAD has got me. Back to the journey, you do create some yummy dishes x