On to lunch... Well actually it didnt happen, unless you count the bowl of olives we received at the sea front bar this afternnon with my small beer! Sorry to the 'you must eat sensibly on a diet brigade', but I wasnt hungery, so I didnt eat.......
Dinner was a Thai broth, with chicken and prawns left over from the restaurant. I wouldnt call it authentic as I used french beans etc, but by jove it tasted good! (I've always wanted to use the phrase 'by jove' and now I can die peacefully! Calorie wise the whole soup would have been about 1200 and there well over half of it left...........

This is why I think this is working. Its not a diet, I'm not following any rules, (apart from my own habit changes) and I'm eating when I'm hungry. So far, so good.
Stay tuned for tomorrow. I'm hoping to hit 2000 views ..............
See ya!
Yes, I know I spelt 'hungry' incorrectly, purely a typo!