I managed to get my fat bottom out of bed early this morning so I could have a swim before work. I suppose I managed about 20 minutes before being told it was nearly time to leave! Think I need to get up even earlier tomorrow morning...........
Back to work today after my day off, but alas the JCB and the dump truck were still doing their thing outside. Not good for business................
I decided that as we were not busy early on, I would make some breakfast. I decided on scrambled egg on wholemeal toast (no butter) mixed with some chopped mushrooms, a few baked beans and a grilled tomato. I made this last week and cooked the mushrooms with the egg, and although it tasted great, it looked awful as the eggs turned grey! I learnt my lesson though, and here is todays result

At approximately 400 calories, its a very filling and pretty well balanced start to the day.......
The day progressed, the workmen dug and shovelled and the punters came and went and before I knew it, it was time to collect the little man from school.
He was treated on the way home to a take away 'Burger King' childs meal. I enviously sat and watched him eat it! Normally it would not be one of the things I missed that much, but seeing the cheese oozing out of his burger definately struck a weak nerve. I stayed strong, only pinched one chip and headed off to make my dinner!
I had some asparagus and tuna left over from the other day, so set about preparing a salad to which I added some little gem lettuce, radish, boiled eggs and some cherry tomatoes. I have to confess to drizzling a tiny bit of caesar dressing over it, just to give it a little something. I had a couple of crisp bready things to go with it too!

Thats about all my news for the day. As I type this, I am sitting by the computer nibbling on a few mixed nuts, a glass of wine and a quick game of on line poker. I was quite successful last night, lets hope I am tonight! Better not go to bed too late as I have to be up early in the morning for my now compulsory swim. The pool is about 25 degrees at that time in the morning, so not too cold.
Sleep well all, I will be back tomorrow for the next installment.................
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