Been doing some hard thinking about the forthcoming diet and my head is definately in the right place. Getting lots of encouragement too, so thanks to all my 'supporters'!
Been wondering why we 'have to eat 3 meals a day'. Why do we have to eat breakfast, then lunch, then dinner. Why? who says..... Why can't we just eat when we are hungry and eat nothing when we're not? Who is this person who says we can't?
Then I was wondering if the food we eat daily (therefore our favourite foods as they are the ones we choose to eat) really are our favourite foods, or do we just eat them because they're convenient. I mean seriously, is the cheese sandwich you have for lunch really what you want, or are you eating it because its quick and easy........? If someone asked to you what you wanted to eat and they would make it for you, would you really choose a cheese sandwich? Of course not. Therefore the logical part of my brain is telling me that I wont be missing out on anything because they are not my 'favourite foods'. It reminds me too that this will not be a diet, but a change in my eating habits and lifestyle. I genuinely believe that I will enjoy the food on my journey more than the food I was eating. It will just take a little more effort and planning.......
Enough of my thoughts for now..... Sleep well all and I will return tomorrow to bore you all again!
Ciao for now
hiya luv, how you doing, hope you and Laura had a good day today, take care of yourselves, xx