I will start with yesterday...
There seem to be many of our regulars returning from the UK this week. Lots of old faces popping in to say hello and book for Fish & Chips and Sunday Lunch!
We were in the 30's again last night for fish & chips, which considering that for the last 5 or 6 Fridays we have been averaging about 20, shows an upturn in trade. We also already have 24 booked for Sunday lunch tomorrow, so again, an upturn in bookings. The locals are most definitely back...
On to today...
Had half a day off today. Well, I went to do the shopping this morning and then took it all to work. I then popped round the corner to the 'Beauty Box' to be weighed and arrived back home at about 11am, so had 5 hours before needing to be at work. I suppose its as near as damn it to half a day off!
Notice I moved swiftly on from the bit about being weighed... Probably something to do with the fact that I put on 1lb this week. I'm totally confused and bamboozled... Unless I'm going completely insane, I know I'm eating sensibly and I know I'm exercising, so why am I not losing weight. I started to wonder how much weight I would have put on had I not have been execising. Its all very strange to me. I haven't had a fizzy drink for nearly 3 weeks. I understand the whole ethos behind losing weight. I know about burning calories. I know about what foods to eat and which to avoid, so why have I not lost any weight for a month?
All I can do is go back to what I was doing at the beginning of the journey, and log down everything I eat and its calorific values and see what happens next week... I am determind not to get into the rut that I have in the past with every other weight loss attempt I have made. On other weight loss journeys, when I have plateaud, I have slipped back into bad habits and ballooned in weight. NO way this time. I have too much to lose. I am in the right frame of mind this time and the lack of loss just makes me more determined than ever...
OK, of to bed. Got a busy lunch tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep. I will be back tomorrow with news of Sunday Lunch.
Sleep well all
Jimbo (the huge great big fat chef who hasnt lost any weight in one month)!
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