Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Days 284-290 - Bloody dongles!

I seem to start several blogs with an apology and today is no exception! It may seem a lame excuse for not blogging, but a coouple of weeks ago the wireless dongle thingy packed up and after searching the local computer type shops, the cheapest I could find was 30€! No way was I going to pay that. So after a look on Amazon and local Facebook pages, we found one for 11.95€ and here I am!
I'd better let you all know how things are going at 'Saffy's'.... Really well actually! We are pleasantly surprised how quickly things have taken off. We seem to have been accepted by the regulars, which was an initial worry for me. I didn't want people thinking 'who do these two think they are coming in here', but it's been the complete opposite. Everyone has wished us well, complimented us on the food, and most importantly...., ordered it! As I have said before, it's not necessarily the food that gives me enjoyment to cook, but I still get satisfaction from the positive feedback. More importantly, for the first time in the 4 years we have been here, we actually have some money in the bank at the end of the week.
It's also so nice not to have all the worries that came with the old restaurant. At the old place, every day there would be someone coming in to see us for money and I was always having to make sure that the funds were available for whoever would visit. It was a juggling act that was proving harder and harder to achieve at the end of our tenure. Now all I have to think about is paying my food supplier! Simples! A HUGE weight has been lifted from my shoulders and although we are working an extra couple of nights in the week than we are used to, its all worth it for the peace of mind of having some money in the bank. It's so nice to be rewarded for hard work at the end of the week , instead of working your nuts off just to keep your head above water. 
As well as the normal menu doing well, our Sunday lunches are as busy as ever, with the added bonus being that with the set up of the new kitchen, we are able to serve the whole menu as well as the roast. Although my old friend the large oven is now defunct and still sitting in the courtyard outside the kitchen, with a little military precision, we are still able to produce Sunday lunch..... Phew! That was a big worry for me.
In general, all the food is going down very well, and we're even getting good feedback from the pool and darts teams that we feed on a Tuesday and Friday night! Very happy so far and I'm having to pinch myself that we are still in January....
On to my weight. I will be honest, as I have always been on this journey, and say that I have not been following the regime as I shoould. I haven't really done any exercise for about a month, but all that said, I am still the same weight that I was and I haven't gained. My head is back int he right place again and immediately after typing this, I have a date with my cross trainer!
I have also managed to persuade Laura that we should have a 30 minute walk before work every morning as we have half an hour to kill after dropping Harrison to school, so that will start tomorrow as well. Who knows, may even persuade her to do the same after work too!
On the home front, I went to England last week to visit my daughter Holly and to meet my grandson that she gave birth to on January 6th. It was lovely to see her and nice to meet little Marley. It was a shame that I couldn't stay longer, but the weather was closing in, and I just managed to get back to Spain before the snow set in. I got a few dodgy looks from people as I wandered around Tescos in my shorts and flip flops, but I'm used to it now! I'll never change.....
Ok, that's it for now. Now that I have internet access again, I will promise to keep in touch a little more! I'm off now for some hell on the cross trainer! I'm guessing that it's going to be hard work as I haven't been on itfor ages! Wish me luck!
Speak to you all very soon
Jimbo :0)

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